What is Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR)?

What is Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR)?

I am a big fan of my Whoop wearable. It has helped me better understand how exercise, sleep and stress impact my body and mind. I also love the Whoop podcast. This month it included a really lovely guided Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) session. Yeah, NSDR may just be a fancy name coined for the simple, "duh" concept of a lie-down. But if you only have a few minutes and don't love traditional meditation it's a great thing to try!

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Tips and Tricks for a Comfortable Crow Pose

Tips and Tricks for a Comfortable Crow Pose

When my good buddy Morgan, who is an amazing personal trainer and a talented yoga instructor, comes to visit my office fitness shenanigans always ensue! I asked for her best tips for anyone struggling with their crow pose. Grab your mat, maybe a yoga block and make your best claws and paws! CAW CAW!

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Tight Neck and Shoulders? Try These Wall Angels!

Tight Neck and Shoulders? Try These Wall Angels!

If you have a tight neck and shoulders, doing a stretch like this scorpion opener and combining with these wall angels may be the winning combo for better mobility and posture. As always, consult a physical therapist or medical professional for any pain and stop any stretch or exercise right away if it doesn’t feel safe for you.

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JJFit in the News: Essential Workouts for Men

JJFit in the News: Essential Workouts for Men

routine for optimal health and fitness. Check out the list here and to learn why I picked resistance training (especially pulling movements) click here. Note, this article is focused on men but the recommendations hold true for most humans regardless of gender.

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45-Minute Yoga IT Band and Piriformis Release

45-Minute Yoga IT Band and Piriformis Release

Sean Haleen is one of my favorite yoga practitioners (and friends!). And I’m IN LOVE with his YouTube channel where he shares loads of great virtual yoga videos and tutorials for a variety of issues and focuses. As a runner with an old back injury, this class for the IT Band and Piriformis is one of my favorites.

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Mobility Minute! Thoracic Spine

Mobility Minute! Thoracic Spine

Mobility Minute! Grab your foam roller and spend a minute (or two) on the best thoracic extension drills in my arsenal. These feel yummy and are great for anyone with lower back and neck issues.

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"Flip Dog Knee to Elbow" Your Way to a Strong Core

"Flip Dog Knee to Elbow" Your Way to a Strong Core

I am a big fan of exercises that do multiple things at once. And I don't know anyone who doesn't want a stronger core and a more mobile psoas. Pso-what? PSOAS. It's a super awesome and complicated muscle that attaches your leg to your spine so you can flex your hip and flex and twist your trunk (among other things).

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Great Mobility Drill for Lower Back Relief

Great Mobility Drill for Lower Back Relief

I want to share this yummy lower back release/core engagement drill that I've been doing for a few minutes each day with awesome results. This is a great one if you feel achy and stiff in your lower back from too much sitting. You'll need a yoga block for this one (you can get these 2 for $10 on most online retailers). You can use a soft foam roller too in a pinch.

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