Can Oatmeal Lower Your Cholesterol?

Caveat, I am not a doctor and this isn't medical advice. It's just my experience and positive results.

In January I had my cholesterol checked and it was high. Aren't genetics a blast?! I already eat pretty darn well, exercise, don't smoke or drink, avoid trans fats--all the things that are known to help. I want to avoid medicine if/however long I can and opted to talk to my doctor about nutrition as a path to lower it naturally. Literally all I've changed since January was replacing my old breakfast of Greek yogurt and fruit with homemade rolled oatmeal (not instant) and berries. I make a batch every weekend and make little cups for the week. I add pumpkin pie spice from TJs to make it tasty (kinda). It's pretty blah. But it's fine.

Since doing the switch I dropped my triglycerides from 234 to 52 (now in the healthy range!) and my LDL ("bad cholesterol") from 156 to 151. Still high but a nudge. And raised my HDL ("good cholesterol") from 58 to 73 (which I'm told is good). So there you have it. Small, strategic changes in diet it seems can, at least for some of us, make a solid impact. Woot woot!

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