"Flip Dog Knee to Elbow" Your Way to a Strong Core

I am a big fan of exercises that do multiple things at once. And I don't know anyone who doesn't want a stronger core and a more mobile psoas. Pso-what? PSOAS. It's a super awesome and complicated muscle that attaches your leg to your spine so you can flex your hip and flex and twist your trunk (among other things). This is the BEST visual explanation of the psoas I've ever seen. People who sit most of the day could likely benefit from psoas opening which, because it's so deep, can be a challenge. So this is one of my favorite moves that opens the psoas while strengthening the core and upper body. It's kind of advanced and I'll be the first to admit, mine isn't perfect. But it's about progress not perfection. If this causes you pain, stop right away. But if it feels good, have fun!