Tight Neck and Shoulders? Try These Wall Angels!

Joint and muscle pain often come from repetitive movements like typing at a keyboard or doom scrolling on social media for hours on end. (Pain can also come from lack of movement but that’s a whole other can of worms.) When pain, stiffness and loss of mobility arise from doing too much of something the most important way to address it is to reduce that activity (like adding breaks to your work day to put your devices down and walk around). This is a great opportunity to stretch and open up and lengthen tight muscles. But this is just part of the issue. We also need to activate and strengthen the right weak muscles contributing to the problem.

If you have a tight neck and shoulders, doing a stretch like this scorpion opener and combining with these wall angels may be the winning combo for better mobility and posture. As always, consult a physical therapist or medical professional for any pain and stop any stretch or exercise right away if it doesn’t feel safe for you.