What to look for in a gym buddy (MEL Magazine)

What to look for in a gym buddy (MEL Magazine)

Trying to find the perfect workout partner — one who keeps you motivated, even when you can barely bench 100 pounds — can feel a lot like looking for a beefy needle in a sweat-drenched haystack. And like any relationship, even when you think you found the one, the squat to your deadlift, they could very well pack their gym bags and leave you and your swole bod for another even swoler bod. Check out my interview in MEL Magazine for advice on how to find your ideal gym partner.

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Don't Call It a Comeback: Moderate-Intensity Exercise Is Still Effective

Don't Call It a Comeback: Moderate-Intensity Exercise Is Still Effective

With all the hype and media attention given to high-intensity interval training (HIIT) over the past few years, you’d think everyone was doing it—and maybe they are. If they’re not, they may not be doing anything, believing if they’re not killing themselves during a workout, they’re not really gaining any benefits. But here’s the thing: Recent studies show that moderate-intensity activity still has many benefits. Check out my interview in the August 2017 issue of American Council on Exercise (ACE) Certified News for details on the latest research and tips for now to incorporate steady-state cardio back into your program. 

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The Power of Inspiration: How to Stay Motivated to Achieve Fitness Goals

The Power of Inspiration: How to Stay Motivated to Achieve Fitness Goals

You can have all the strategies in the world to reach your health and fitness goals, but without two key elements, attaining those goals will be difficult, if not impossible. The missing pieces of the puzzle? Inspiration and motivation. Thanks to the amazing Karen Asp for including me in this excellent piece for Delicious Living. Please read the full article article here. 

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8 Ways for Baby Boomers to Maintain Their Agility

8 Ways for Baby Boomers to Maintain Their Agility

I'm grateful to the folks at U.S. News & World Report for including me in this important piece geared toward helping the more than 74 million baby boomers out there improve their movement and posture. These are excellent tips for everyone regardless of your age. Checkout the full slideshow here.

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How to Deal With Every Annoying Person at the Gym

How to Deal With Every Annoying Person at the Gym

The grunter. The socialite. The hoarder. The trainer who isn’t actually a trainer. The talker. The lurker. The gym can be filled with all kinds of characters who inhabit various points on the annoyance spectrum. Checkout this article written by my pal Ian Lecklitner for the DSC with my tips for how to deal with these folks so you can get back to your workout. 

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What Fitness Pros Eat After a Tough Workout

What Fitness Pros Eat After a Tough Workout

Think fitness trainers only eat grilled chicken and steamed broccoli? The truth might surprise you. Fit pros subscribe to lots of different healthy eating philosophies. But above all, trainers are focused on results. The one thing they all agree on? When it comes to weight loss and muscle gain, working out is only part of the equation. If you want to shape up, you need to step in the kitchen. Straight from the gym, studio, and blacktop, here’s what five top trainers like to eat after a tough sweat session. Thanks to my friends at the Fitbit Blog for including me in this great piece.

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