What Happens to Your Body When You Give Up Alcohol?

What Happens to Your Body When You Give Up Alcohol?

I work with loads of successful, social and often high-stressed professionals who enjoy the occasional (or more than occasional) glass (or two or three or four) of wine (or cocktails) at the end of the day and especially at work events. Sometimes they want to talk about it. Sometimes they don’t. But usually at some point (typically during a plateau) I end up being asked what a reasonable alcohol intake looks like for their fitness and health goals. I don’t tell people what to do. I provide them information and tools and serve as a resource to hold them accountable to what they decide.

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In the News: How to Repair Muscles After Exercise

In the News: How to Repair Muscles After Exercise

In any fitness regimen, rest and muscle recovery are just as important as strength training or cardio workouts. Learn how Earthing, Hydration, Diet, Massage and Contrast Therapy can help with muscle recovery in this article written by David Sautter for Natural Awakenings including interviews with me and other fitness professionals.

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Three Hacks to Fix a Failing Diet: Try Adding Before You Subtract!

Three Hacks to Fix a Failing Diet: Try Adding Before You Subtract!

99% of my clients need some form of nutritional coaching to get them where they want to be and those who embrace it consistently reach and maintain new levels of health and fitness. Simply put, you can’t exercise away a poor diet. And most of us don’t actually realize how poor our diets really are. It’s not our fault, the food industry has us all kinds of confused and even our own brains are tricking us. This post highlights my three most widely recommended ADDITIONS to a daily diet to help you reduce body fat, gain muscle and become healthy, strong and fit from the inside out.

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