App: 15 Minutes A Day to Overwrite Negative Thoughts

App: 15 Minutes A Day to Overwrite Negative Thoughts

I've been dragging my feet on meditating lately. I know 110% that it would benefit me. But sometimes humans are stubborn and won't pick up the tools we know will help (same with exercise and nutrition for a lot of folks). So when Peter told me about this app offering a 30-day free trial of daily positive affirmations I was intrigued. I've been listening to one or two a day for a week and I am starting to notice a difference. It feels a little silly at first, but I recognize that's part of the negative programming in my brain. I appreciate the science and research behind this idea and how it leverages the brain's neuroplasticity to pre-program negative patterns. Two thumbs up! Let's get some positive self-talk going in 2024!

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So Your Gym's Closed? You Got This. 7 Ways to Move at Home.

So Your Gym's Closed? You Got This. 7 Ways to Move at Home.

Since sheltering in place and social distancing have become the new normal for the time-being, most of us are working more, moving even less and are definitely feeling more anxious. Though your routine may be shot, it’s not too late to create a new one. Just because your gym is closed doesn’t mean you can’t work out. Now’s the perfect time to get started. Not tomorrow. Today! When all this is over, you can look back and say you stepped outside your comfort zone and did something amazing for yourself.

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