3 Next-Level Moves: Time Under Tension, Eccentrics and Planes of Motion

3 Next-Level Moves: Time Under Tension, Eccentrics and Planes of Motion

Hitting the gym hard but not seeing the results you want? You might assume it’s time to add heavier weights to your bar or increase the amount of time you spend at each session — but that’s not necessarily the case. Check out my interview in Oxygen Magazine by Jill Schildhouse to learn how to implement three of my most effective training variables: time under tension, eccentrics and plane of motion training. And to see these moves demoed by my amazing client Sarah Henderson checkout this video library.

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Don't Neglect Planes of Motion Training

Don't Neglect Planes of Motion Training

Many of us could benefit from more "planes of motion" training in our workouts. In a nutshell, the body is designed to move in three planes of motion: sagittal (like in a squat or bicep curl), frontal (like in a lateral lunge or side cable raise) and transverse (like in a "curtsy" lunge or a bicycle crunch). Most of us live almost exclusively in the sagittal plane limiting our functional mobility, strength and performance. Read more about the importance of planes of motion. in addition to standard sagittal exercises (which are still great) consider layering in more frontal and traverse moves to your program for your lower body, upper body and core.

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