Podcast: Pivoting When Work Gets Out of Whack

Podcast: Pivoting When Work Gets Out of Whack

As a corporate and private personal trainer, massage therapist with my own studio, group fitness instructor, nutrition coach, corporate wellness consultant, blogger, writer and occasional model (::hair flip::) I have a lot of demands for my time and attention. I love what I do and it’s easy to let my work life and business take over and eat up all my spare time leaving little to none for the other parts of me. Several times over the years while building my little JJFit Empire I’ve found myself overwhelmed and off balance and had to reset and reprioritize my projects. In this episode of PM for SB Podcast I share my experience, strategies and tools for pivoting when things get out of whack.

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These Work-Life Balance Strategies Help Even In The Most Demanding Jobs

These Work-Life Balance Strategies Help Even In The Most Demanding Jobs

Work-life balance is a big challenge for a lot of folks and can be a huge obstacle to health and fitness goals. Check out this article from FastCompany.com, These Work-Life Balance Strategies Help Even In The Most Demanding Jobs. It includes interviews of successful professionals in industries known for insane hours and find out how they manage to maintain a personal life amidst the intensity of their careers. Included was my awesome client Tom, the office managing partner of law firm Nixon Peabody’s San Francisco office. 

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