Try These Kettlebell Exercises to Get Abs Like a Spartan

Anyone who has watched the 2006 film 300 will attest, King Leonidas and his ferocious, hard-charging Spartan army have abs to die for. And even today, both male and female gym enthusiasts tend to use this film as a benchmark of fitness, especially when it comes to achieving the perfect six-pack. The good news is that you can still craft a Spartan six-pack at home using one-piece of equipment: the kettlebell.

Keep in mind, however, that there is no magic bullet to well-defined abs. Take it from exercise physiologist Kelli Calabrese: “A lean midsection takes a combination of good nutrition, cardiovascular conditioning and abdominal training. Those who see the best results combine all three.” Simply, doing just one or the other won’t cut it, as each serves a particular purpose in helping you get those Spartan abs. Calabrese points out that eating healthy “is absolutely essential for overall physique” and that doing so means you’re well on your way to a leaner you. Cardiovascular training will then help you lose the fat that has built up above your abdominal muscles. Lastly, abdominal training will help define and grow those muscles until they are worthy of Sparta.

This is why as far as abdominal training is concerned, the kettlebell is your best friend. Kettlebell exercises torch fat by working multiple muscle groups. Ditch your usual crunches and situps for the following kettlebell exercises. And if you don’t have a kettlebell at home you can easily use alternatives, such as a backpack or water jug.

Turkish Get-Up

This exercise, which focuses on slow, deliberate movement is a full-body workout that activates your entire core, including the muscles in your abdominals. To do this correctly, here is a video you ought to watch carefully.

Kettlebell Windmill

This certified core buster will fire up your oblique muscles: Stand shoulder-width apart while holding a kettlebell overhead. Lower your torso to the side by bending at your hip, making sure you keep the kettlebell over your shoulder.

Renegade Rows

Renegade rows are effective because they force you to use the primary function of your abdominal muscles, and that is to stabilize your body. To do this, assume a push-up position, with your hands holding the handle of each kettlebell. Then do single arm rows alternately. You’ll feel those abdominal muscles burning, plus you’ll get in an excellent back and bicep workout too.

Kettlebell Lateral Swings

This exercise will work your abdominal muscles like crazy, as your core controls the swing. Specifically, your core will help brake the momentum of both the upward and downward movements. Study the video below so you can do it correctly:

Kettlebell Pullover

As the name suggests this exercise will have you performing a pullover all while lifting a kettlebell. This exercise is great for improving your core stability, and if you want to make it even harder add a situp at the end. Here's a demonstration you can follow.

Before 300 was released, very few people had heard of the Spartan warriors. After the film, however, the image of a Spartan warrior came to mean peak physical condition with The Shadow League outlining how the film inspired a whole new workout trend. Today the ultra lean physique, round shield, and the iconic helmet is used by fitness outlets and media productions to symbolize strength, discipline, and action. This ever-growing popularity has even carried over to different entertainment platforms, as Spartan characters have been used in popular video games, notably Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Spartan: Total Warrior. Indeed, Foxy Bingo has a host of games based on the Spartans including Fortunes of Sparta and Wonder of Ages that bring the famous iconography of the warriors to new audiences. It is this exposure across multiple platforms that continues to inspire people to get into Spartan shape, even though it has been 14 years since the first film in the franchise came out.

While the films and games allow players to step into the sandals of the famous warriors, only those with the right discipline, a set of kettlebells, and a commitment to fitness can be Spartan-like and sculpt those legendary abs. And in case that’s you, check out the JJ Fit blog regularly for more tips.