What is Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR)?

What is Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR)?

I am a big fan of my Whoop wearable. It has helped me better understand how exercise, sleep and stress impact my body and mind. I also love the Whoop podcast. This month it included a really lovely guided Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) session. Yeah, NSDR may just be a fancy name coined for the simple, "duh" concept of a lie-down. But if you only have a few minutes and don't love traditional meditation it's a great thing to try!

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At The CCC Podcast: Mind and Body Connection

At The CCC Podcast: Mind and Body Connection

I've been having a lot of conversations this month with clients about alcohol, epigenetics and the physical effects of stress on the body. So when I came across this podcast that covers all these topics and more I was fist pumping the air in delight. So if you're interested in the latest science of stress and possible ways to tackle it, give it a listen.  

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Podcast: You don't have to finish the year strong.

Podcast: You don't have to finish the year strong.

This might be the most important thing you hear all year. "You don't have to finish the year strong." It's ok to just finish. This episode of my pal Allison's podcast made me feel seen. I shared it with clients and friends and it helped many of them connect with how they are feeling right now. I listened to this while walking to an ultrasound appointment yesterday because "surprise" in the midst of "finishing strong in December" my body informed me it had other plans. (Note, I'll be fine. I'm just being forced to slow down. Getting "older" is a trip!) I encourage you to take 30 minutes to listen to this episode to embrace alignment over achievement for the rest of the year. 

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Podcast: Three Pillars of Fitness and Debunking Common Myths

Podcast: Three Pillars of Fitness and Debunking Common Myths

I really enjoyed being a guest on the Mind Body Planet podcast talking about the three pillars of fitness and debunking many common misconceptions in the health industry. If you get confused from the conflicting and sometimes crazy information permeating from "fitness influencers" on social I hope you’ll give it a listen and a like!

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Podcast: ‘Treat Yourself Like a Client’ … and Other Stress-Free Fitness Tips

Podcast: ‘Treat Yourself Like a Client’ … and Other Stress-Free Fitness Tips

Tired of New Year’s resolutions that fade away come February? Check out my podcast with the editors of Law.com where I offer my best strategies for balancing work and fitness. It’s a good listen for any busy professional, not just lawyers.

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