Sarah Schulze on Making Better Choices, Vegetarianism and Why She No Longer Hates Going to the Gym

Sarah Schulze on Making Better Choices, Vegetarianism and Why She No Longer Hates Going to the Gym

Bright-eyed, blond and beautiful on the inside and out. That describes Sarah Schulze. I can hardly believe that it’s been over two years since this amazing woman walked into my gym and into my life. We’ve trained consistently during that time and she’s become not only one of my strongest and most committed clients (she can deadlift, back squat, front squat and hip thrust like a champ and is building up her pull ups now!) but also my friend, my spin sister and my yoga buddy. Sarah embodies the fitness principle of balance. I love her story and her energy and I’m so glad she took the time to share it with us. 

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