My Favorite Neurofascial Stretch for Better Hamstring Mobility

My Favorite Neurofascial Stretch for Better Hamstring Mobility

This is one of my favorite mobility drills for tight hamstrings, IT bands and basically the entire leg from the toes to the hip all the way into the lower back. Why does it work so good? Because it’s a “neurofascial stretch” meaning it targets the muscles, fascia and nerves across several joints as a system. If you’re feeling tight, doing a lot of running or just generally want to improve your mobility give it a try!

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Total Body Mobility IGTV Workshop with JJ

Total Body Mobility IGTV Workshop with JJ

After running 30 miles this week and a brutal shoulder day Friday and leg day yesterday my body was screaming for a mobility day. Often my hardcore clients will need a full blown mobility session every once and a while so I put this together with my greatest hits! If you have sore, stiff hips, back, knees, shoulders, neck, etc consider grabbing a foam roller, yoga strap and lacrosse or tennis ball and follow along with me for an hour. I promise you’ll feel yummy when you’re done!

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The Brettzel Stretch: You're Welcome!

The Brettzel Stretch: You're Welcome!

The “Brettzel stretch”, which appropriately enough sounds like the “pretzel stretch” is one of my favorites for thoracic mobility and tight hips. Check out this video demo and give it a try for 30-60s on each side making sure to breath deep through your belly for maximum benefit.

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Two Go-To Dynamic Warm Ups for Any Workout

Two Go-To Dynamic Warm Ups for Any Workout

Rather than passively forcing our muscles into painful, temporary and ineffective lengthening which can (in some cases) reduce your performance it's generally advisable to take your muscles and joints through a dynamic warm up to prep the body. And even if static stretching is part of your program it's still a good idea to perform a dynamic warm up before a cardio or resistance training workout (especially for those who work all day at a desk, in a car or regularly use computers and mobile devices). Here are two of my favorite dynamic warm ups that I give clients to do before workouts and even throughout the day at work or on rest days. 

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