JJFit in the News: Essential Workouts for Men

JJFit in the News: Essential Workouts for Men

routine for optimal health and fitness. Check out the list here and to learn why I picked resistance training (especially pulling movements) click here. Note, this article is focused on men but the recommendations hold true for most humans regardless of gender.

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The Best Way to Get Great at Pull Ups

The Best Way to Get Great at Pull Ups

I was trying to come up with a clever Brittney Spears inspired headline like “Wanna strong pull up body? Better jump, b*tch!” but I’ll keep this professional (ish). Here’s the bottom line, if you want to safely and effectively build upper body strength to do solid bodyweight pull ups, try these “jumping” or “eccentric” pull ups where you start from the top and slowly lower yourself down. Note, if you’ve never done these before you will likely be very sore the next day.

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