JJ’s Pumpkin Spice Apple Protein Muffins

JJ’s Pumpkin Spice Apple Protein Muffins

I've been obsessed with my Blueberry Explosion Protein Muffins for years. I make them every Sunday and have two every day as a post workout treat. This week catastrophe happened. I ran out of blueberries and was too lazy to go to the store. But I did have apples so I figured, why not?! The result was a delicious reinvention of my favorite recipe. I call them JJ’s Basic B*tch Pumpkin Spice Apple Protein Muffins. Give them a shot and I hope you enjoy!

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Banana Blueberry Explosion Protein Muffins

Banana Blueberry Explosion Protein Muffins

These little bastards are LITERALLY my favorite food right now and are a variation on my protein pancake recipe. Pancakes are delicious and are great for a special occasion, but for a normal week they are a lot of work. So my genius partner turned them into muffins and makes them every Sunday so we have them for the week ahead. They are great pre/post workout snacks or perfect at night as a healthy dessert treat. 

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Three Better Breakfasts: Protein Pancakes, Mini Egg Muffins and the Perfect Smoothie

Three Better Breakfasts: Protein Pancakes, Mini Egg Muffins and the Perfect Smoothie

Breakfast tends to be an afterthought for a lot of folks and heavy on carbs and low in protein and healthy fats. Bagels, bars and greasy breakfast burritos are convenient, but they aren't necessarily what you need to fuel your day and reach your fitness goals. So consider doing a couple of minutes of meal prep and set yourself up for success with three of my favorite healthy, tasty and easy breakfasts that you can eat at home or take on the go.

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