How Can I Get More Protein?

How Can I Get More Protein?

After reading my Guide to Eating Clean and Getting Lean and determining their caloric and macronutrient needs most of my clients' first realizations is that they need to get more protein. Whether you are "eating to your macros" or not, most of us could benefit from getting more high quality protein into our diets so I've compiled a list of my favorites that include lean meat; eggs; dairy; beans, legumes and nuts; veggies, grains and supplements that are high in protein. 

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Q: Can You Really Hit Your Ideal Protein Goal? A: Yes! Here's How.

Q: Can You Really Hit Your Ideal Protein Goal? A: Yes! Here's How.

Many of my nutrition and training clients find success in flexible dieting. If their goal is fat loss, the most important thing is to maintain a modest calorie deficit over time. But if maintaining or building lean muscle is also a goal, we have to make sure they are hitting their protein target. Sometimes this means aiming for ~175-200g protein in a day on a ~2,400kcal diet which can seem impossible at first. So here is a sample day for how that can be achieved that won't leave you starving and will likely leave you feeling full and satisfied. 

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Lentils with Chicken, Shiitake Mushrooms, Walnuts and Feta

Lentils with Chicken, Shiitake Mushrooms, Walnuts and Feta

When writing my last post about getting enough protein I was reminded how AWESOME lentils are. Packing as many as 40g in one cup they are an affordable source of protein, easy to prepare and loaded with vitamins and nutrients like folate, iron, potassium and manganese. Plus they are super tasty when mixed with veggies and healthy fats. Give this quick and easy recipe a try. It makes up to four servings loaded with protein, fiber and yummy goodness. I added chicken, but if you are vegetarian or looking for a break from meat, skip the chicken and it's still delicious. 

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Banana Blueberry Explosion Protein Muffins

Banana Blueberry Explosion Protein Muffins

These little bastards are LITERALLY my favorite food right now and are a variation on my protein pancake recipe. Pancakes are delicious and are great for a special occasion, but for a normal week they are a lot of work. So my genius partner turned them into muffins and makes them every Sunday so we have them for the week ahead. They are great pre/post workout snacks or perfect at night as a healthy dessert treat. 

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Three Hacks to Fix a Failing Diet: Try Adding Before You Subtract!

Three Hacks to Fix a Failing Diet: Try Adding Before You Subtract!

99% of my clients need some form of nutritional coaching to get them where they want to be and those who embrace it consistently reach and maintain new levels of health and fitness. Simply put, you can’t exercise away a poor diet. And most of us don’t actually realize how poor our diets really are. It’s not our fault, the food industry has us all kinds of confused and even our own brains are tricking us. This post highlights my three most widely recommended ADDITIONS to a daily diet to help you reduce body fat, gain muscle and become healthy, strong and fit from the inside out.

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