Macros for Dummies: What You Need to Know About These Essential Nutrients

Macros for Dummies: What You Need to Know About These Essential Nutrients

It seems like all people talk about these days are their macros, as they use some app on their smartphone to calculate whether they can eat the bun that came with their burger. But what exactly does it mean when they say something does or doesn’t fit into their macros? And how do you know what your allotted macros should be? And why is this suddenly so trendy? Read my interview in Oxygen Magazine for a break down behind the mystery of macros and determine if this advanced nutritional strategy is right for you (because it might not be). 

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Living That Macro Life: A Guide to Macronutrient Splits and Other Nutritional Strategies That Work

Living That Macro Life: A Guide to Macronutrient Splits and Other Nutritional Strategies That Work

Eating to your macros can be overwhelming and unless you’re extremely committed to losing a specific amount of body fat or gaining a specific amount of muscle in a specific amount of time it can be overkill. For the novice this can lead to serious frustration, yo-yo results and loss of resolve to continue with a health and fitness regime. Typically those who successfully eat according to their macro split pre-plan their daily menus, food prep like champs or use a meal delivery service, and track everything they eat using a mobile tool like MyFitnessPal. It’s not for the faint of heart. Why do people do this? Results.

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