Practice "Safe Snacks" for Fat Loss

Practice "Safe Snacks" for Fat Loss

In our house, the hour before bedtime is known as “Crinkle, Crinkle” time. That’s the time of night, after a healthy dinner, my husband and I tend to mosey over to the kitchen cabinet in search of snacks. And the “crinkle, crinkle” sounds of our favorite treats give us away! And before you know it, it’s easy to have eaten way more than you intended resulting in weight gain, indigestion, poor sleep and frustration. This happened to me a few months ago and it took some strategic thinking to course correct. There are loads of strategies out there. And I tried a few that didn’t work for me. Here’s what worked.

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Q&A with the Founder of Ariana’s Energy Bites

Q&A with the Founder of Ariana’s Energy Bites

I sat down with my friend, personal trainer and entrepreneur Ariana Parvin to learn about how her struggle with digestive issues and food allergies led her to create super tasty and healthy "energy bites" that are popping up in some of the Bay Area’s best markets and restaurants. Since launching in 2018 her bites have become a favorite energy snack for thousands of Bay Area peeps and it’s amazing watching her woman-owned business grow. Hear her story and find out where you can get some to fuel your body and tickle your taste buds!

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Ditch the Crap: Try These Healthy and Tasty Snacks

Ditch the Crap: Try These Healthy and Tasty Snacks

When the mid-morning, mid-afternoon or late night munchies hit, be ready. Don't fall prey to office vending machines, desktop candy bowls or those left over cookies from a client meeting. Get your booty to Trader Joe's and make sure you have some of these healthier (and still super tasty) options on hand at work and home to tide you over. Presented here in somewhat random order. Enjoy!

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