"Good" Fats, "Bad" Fats and Every Fat In Between

"Good" Fats, "Bad" Fats and Every Fat In Between

Anyone who lived through the 80s and 90s was hit with a barrage of messages from the government, nutrition “experts” and big consumer brands that dietary fat was the devil. We pointed the finger at fat as the cause of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and other nasty health issues. And thus began the rise of the low fat diet craze (SnackWells, SlimFast and Baked Lay’s--Oh my!). Current research confirms that “healthy fats” are actually quite necessary and beneficial for health. But certain “bad fats” should continue to be avoided. And to make it a little more confusing some fats fall in the “middle” and need to be eaten in moderation. So let’s clear things up.

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Form Fundamentals: Ever wondered if you're doing exercises correctly?

Form Fundamentals: Ever wondered if you're doing exercises correctly?

I’ve created a new corporate wellness workshop that can be delivered in any office, conference room or kitchen. In this hands-on presentation I’ll review important strength training principles, types of training and movements for a balanced program. And we’ll demo and practice key movements including the squat, hip hinge, lunge, push up, row and plank. Whether you've been hitting the gym for years or just starting out this is a great opportunity to make sure you're moving safely and efficiently toward your goals. Download a copy of the presentation here. Message me to book a workshop at your office. More about my corporate wellness offerings here.

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Fit Pros to Watch: Q&A with Brandon Kolar

Fit Pros to Watch: Q&A with Brandon Kolar

Clients and friends often ask me who inspires me in the fitness word. Who do I look to for inspiration, innovation and perspiration? I stumbled upon Brandon Kolar's IG last year and his is one of the few accounts I follow religiously. He knows his stuff and his latest project, 365 Days of Exercises, gives so much to the community that I had interview him for JJFit.com. Simply put, he's someone to watch and follow!

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5 Common Workout Excuses Keeping You Out of the Gym—and How to Beat Them

5 Common Workout Excuses Keeping You Out of the Gym—and How to Beat Them

The toughest part about committing to—and sticking with—an exercise program is getting your mind to go along with it. Learn how to jump over five mental hurdles and confront common excuses that could derail your best intentions. Check out my interview in Real Simple for tips from me and other coaches.

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So You’re Not a Morning Workout Person—Here’s How to Become One

So You’re Not a Morning Workout Person—Here’s How to Become One

When it comes to exercising, a morning workout has several advantages. Shift your workouts to the a.m. hours to reap the rewards with these simple strategies from me and other leading coaches in this RealSimple.com article by my pal Karen Asp. And check out these posts from the JJFit.com archive for more advice on improving your sleep.

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Podcast: Pivoting When Work Gets Out of Whack

Podcast: Pivoting When Work Gets Out of Whack

As a corporate and private personal trainer, massage therapist with my own studio, group fitness instructor, nutrition coach, corporate wellness consultant, blogger, writer and occasional model (::hair flip::) I have a lot of demands for my time and attention. I love what I do and it’s easy to let my work life and business take over and eat up all my spare time leaving little to none for the other parts of me. Several times over the years while building my little JJFit Empire I’ve found myself overwhelmed and off balance and had to reset and reprioritize my projects. In this episode of PM for SB Podcast I share my experience, strategies and tools for pivoting when things get out of whack.

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Don't Tell This Guy That "Calorie Counting Doesn't Work"

Don't Tell This Guy That "Calorie Counting Doesn't Work"

Every so often I’ll stumble across a media article saying “calorie counting” doesn’t work. Complaints that it’s too restrictive, too big a hassle and doesn’t align with the latest in nutrition science are the biggest arguments made against this age-old method. But when we dig into the details, most of these stories don’t actually discourage “food tracking”; they discourage extreme caloric deficits, diets lacking in quality and obsessive behaviors around food. I also discourage these dangerous practices, but I maintain  (as do many nutritionists and experts) that “food tracking” can be a very effective tool for weight loss. Recently, my partner Peter lost over 20# through food tracking and he feels better than he has in a long time. I asked him to share his experience and to give those struggling some tips based on what’s worked for him in this Q&A.

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How to Lift Your Way to a Bigger, Smarter Brain

How to Lift Your Way to a Bigger, Smarter Brain

Conventional wisdom — and that weird librarian from middle school — say reading books is the best way to become smarter. But new research shows that pumping iron can also bring about significant cognitive gains, and the more you exercise, the smarter you become. Check out my interview in MEL to learn how to increase brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) for increased neuronal plasticity through a mix of HIIT and long duration training. Gotta get those brains, bro!

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Ouch! Too Much Sitting Leads to Muscle Pain. What to Do? (Law.com)

Ouch! Too Much Sitting Leads to Muscle Pain. What to Do? (Law.com)

Many of my clients suffer from occasional muscle spasms in the back, hips, legs and shoulders due to what I call “desk life.”Mobility, strength and core training can help guard against these problems, but sometimes it’s necessary to go a step further to help treat and prevent flare-ups, whether they’re caused by too much sitting or by an injury. Common ways to deal with muscle spasms include visiting a chiropractor, physical therapist or massage therapist. But there are some less common ways. Check out my latest Law.com column for four treatments that many of my clients have used to reduce pain and get back on their feet again.

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SF's Top Style Gurus Talk Gym Fashion and Shopping Tips

SF's Top Style Gurus Talk Gym Fashion and Shopping Tips

Sometimes a workout can feel more like a fashion show and if you live in the Bay Area a nice dinner out can look more like a SoulCycle class. Fashion and fitness are becoming increasingly intertwined as luxury athletic wear and “fit fashion” are dominating not just the gym but also the streets, our favorite restaurants, airplanes and even the office. I asked three of the San Francisco’s most fashionable style gurus their thoughts on this growing trend, their “go to” gym styles and how those of us on a budget can look current and appropriate without breaking the break.  

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What to look for in a gym buddy (MEL Magazine)

What to look for in a gym buddy (MEL Magazine)

Trying to find the perfect workout partner — one who keeps you motivated, even when you can barely bench 100 pounds — can feel a lot like looking for a beefy needle in a sweat-drenched haystack. And like any relationship, even when you think you found the one, the squat to your deadlift, they could very well pack their gym bags and leave you and your swole bod for another even swoler bod. Check out my interview in MEL Magazine for advice on how to find your ideal gym partner.

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Regular massage-therapy sessions can help improve health, reduce stress

Regular massage-therapy sessions can help improve health, reduce stress

Thinking about booking a massage appointment to alleviate some stress? It’s a great idea, one you might want to incorporate into your regular routine. Though most of us view a massage as a sporadic luxury, perhaps something we get around to doing once or twice a year, regular massage therapy has multiple boosts for mental and physical health. Checkout my interview in In Good Health from Tribune Online Content to learn more. And if you're ready to book a massage checkout my rates and schedule here.

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Dealing with a Life-Changing Injury? Read How This Dancer Got Creative... and Some Stickers.

Dealing with a Life-Changing Injury? Read How This Dancer Got Creative... and Some Stickers.

I met Alycia shortly after she received some life changing MRI results that impacted her fitness routine and super active lifestyle. This dancer and lover of movement and yoga wouldn’t let a little thing like the deterioration of cartilage in her first phalange (aka a “bum big toe”) rob her of her joy. Over the last several weeks we’ve worked together to create a robust strength, mobility, cardio and nutrition program for her that adjusts her exercises to account for her injury and strengthen around it.

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CEB Blog: Easy Tips for Lawyers to Improve Their Health

CEB Blog: Easy Tips for Lawyers to Improve Their Health

Many lawyers know they should be taking better care of themselves but don’t have enough time and aren’t sure where to start. Lawyers struggle with long hours spent in client meetings, in court, at computers, and hunched over mobile devices. This all takes a painful toll on their bodies. Checkout my guest post on the CEB Blog for some of my most impactful, realistic tips, which have helped hundreds of lawyers make small, manageable changes to improve their health. And you can experience my wellness advice to lawyers in CEB’s program Attorney Wellness, available On Demand.

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